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Find Your Fit

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Take these free quizzes and tests

When you’re re-entering the workforce or looking to change positions, it’s important to take a step back and develop a realistic plan. For many of us, it’s been a few years since we looked for work and assessed our skills, wants and needs. So now is the time! 

Part of the search process involves looking at a range of new choices,and exploring the type of jobs that might fit your interests and goals at this stage of your life. Will it be indoors, outdoors, remote or in person, technical or software based? In an office or retail setting, flexible, part-time or full-time? There’s a world of options! 

To make your task easier, we’ve  found a series of free quizzes and tests, created by the Government of Canada that will help you explore the types of jobs available that may suit you well. Divided into sections, with different areas to explore, the collection will help you understand your personality and learning style.  Working through the exercises will assist you on your journey and help you figure out how you can leverage your strengths, determine your interests and explore a variety of  innovative career ideas and options.

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Canadian Abilities Foundation

The Canadian Abilities Foundation (CAF) is a registered Canadian charity. CAF was founded in 1986 and has since been a national leader and partner with other organizations and governments on various projects related to disability and communications.

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Canadian Abilities Foundation envisions an inclusive, universally accessible society, where all people belong and are valued. Our mission is to make Canada the most accessible country in the world through advocacy, awareness building and sharing of best practice solutions.

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