Disabled during COVID-19
COVID-19 has exposed many weaknesses of our medical systems worldwide, but I think that the cracks in our societal systems are even greater.
We are all interested in stopping the transmission of COVID as we head back into the workplace and our communities. So, Abilities (CAF) editors have prepared a special collection of helpful advice for parents, caregivers, people with disabilities and employers. Simply tell us where your interests lie and we will do the rest.
A guide to assist parents caring for children with special needs with ‘safe return to work’ during COVID-19
A guide to assist persons living with disabilities with job seeking and ‘safe return to work’ during COVID-19
A guide to assist families and caregivers with ‘safe return to work’ during COVID-19
As we begin to leave self-isolation, restart the economy and return to work and job seeking, the Abilities editorial team is providing:
Expert advice
Helpful tips
Personal stories and information
designed to help reduce the risk of COVID transmission and the potential impact of returning to work on your health and well-being. In particular, this content addresses safety recommendations and precautions you and your family members can take based on your personal circumstances.
COVID-19 has exposed many weaknesses of our medical systems worldwide, but I think that the cracks in our societal systems are even greater.
Autistic adults have more job opportunities than they used to, and a small neurodiverse workforce is thriving — but mainly at select companies that invest
At the best of times, caregiving, while rewarding, is also a difficult, stressful, exhausting and often thankless job.
What employers need to know about bringing people back to work, including employees with disabilities.
A national resource for parents raising kids with disabilities
A magazine serving a cross-disability network
Canada’s trusted source for caregiving advice
Canada’s magazine for rehab, and home-care professionals
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